The vast and diverse continent of Africa has always had a special place in our hearts and our history here at Mantis World.
Our founder, Prama, was born in East Africa where her grandfather built textile factories in the region, including our factory Sunflag Tanzania Limited in Arusha. Prama grew up going in and out of every department in the vertical factory, feeling like textile production in Africa was second nature. She saw the factories built on her grandfather’s values of fairness, social justice and a love of nature continue through the generations. Her love of the continent continued after she moved to the UK and studied Development Economics at postgraduate level with a focus on Africa.

Very quickly Prama realised that her goals of development in Africa, protecting nature and empowering women were best served through business as a powerful engine of change. Over the years Mantis World have expanded sourcing to other countries, but the lessons and values learned in Africa have always guided our company’s mission.
Mantis World is proud to be one of few brands in our industry sourcing organic fully made in Africa products. The entire supply chain is completely transparent, we buy organic cotton from Tanzanian farm groups whom we know personally and all the production is done under one roof in the fully vertical factory in Arusha, Tanzania.
We continue to advocate for developing a sustainable, equitable manufacturing base in sub-Saharan Africa.
When we say “Made in Africa” we say it with love and pride.
To see our full range of Made in Africa garments, click here.